Truck Accidents


Because of their size, trucks have the potential to cause a great deal of damage when involved in an accident. In cases where a truck driver causes an accident, anyone injured can file a claim for compensation. Breeze, Westhoff, Nguyen & Elpers, LC has experience with truck accident claims, and we are here to help you recover a fair settlement.

About Truck Accident Claims

A successful truck accident claim must show that the driver of the truck and/or the trucking company was responsible for the accident. The claim must also show that the accident led to injuries and documented losses for the victim. In addition, truck accident claims must be filed within a certain amount of time following the accident in order to be valid, so it is important for victims to move quickly.

Working with Our Firm

Our firm has an in-depth understanding of truck accident cases in Missouri. We will help you collect evidence, build strong arguments for court, and maximize your chances of getting the settlement you deserve. We will also help you review any out-of-court settlement offers you may receive.

If you have been injured in a truck accident in Festus or the surrounding area, you need to act now. Contact Breeze, Westhoff, Nguyen & Elpers, LC today to get started.

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